Actually, we're back but I wanted to write about the build up...
I've mentioned before my fear of flying. I was doing quite well and wasn't too apprehensive this time. I had some herbal sweets that were meant to calm me and my friend had given me some of her valium which she'd got from the docs for an upcoming flight to Spain (clearly not advocating sharing perscriptions but didn't see the harm). My husband knew that I was very unlikely to take them but I gave him permission (I'm surprised he didn't make me sign some kind of consent in advance to absolve him of all responsibility) to administer them if it became necessary (in much the same way he'd give the cat her worm tablets).
We were leaving on a Thursday and I had everything packed on the Sunday. This is out of character. Very out of character. My preferred state is, in many aspects of my life, to be a little bit out of control and last minute. However, I have to say, this level of organisation was definitely a key factor in keeping me calm.
My last day at work on the Tuesday and I worked until late so everyone said 'Bye, have a nice holiday' as they were leaving. This started my nerves a little and I reacted in a way that may have been more appropriate if they'd said 'It's been nice knowing you'.
On the Wednesday I was in sole charge of the little people and had to take the cat to the cattery and do a few last minute bits before driving to the Grandparents who were taking us to the airport the following day. And then I started to feel sick. It dawned on me that I was leaving Monkey behind. I realise this is reasonably ridiculous and we have been on holiday since he died and I hadn't felt like this before. I think it was to do with the flight. Anyway, we cut some flowers from the garden and I wrote a little note and we stopped at the church and dropped them off. I can't remember exactly what I wrote but I think Pickle captured it when a week later he was pretending to write on the wall of the swimming pool 'Dear Alex, I still love you but I am in Mexico'. Think that pretty much summed up my thoughts.
So, how was the flight? We flew with my youngest niece (21). It was the first time she'd flown without her Mum and she was a little bit apprehensive. I took charge, maintained an air of calm, my children were the best behaved children on the flight (although they slipped down a place or two on the return journey) and it was uneventful - no valium required.
2 years ago
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