For the 3rd year in a row, I have taken the 10th August off work. I would be fine at work but in many ways I want to acknowledge this day in some way. I want to be close to my family and hold them a little bit tighter.
I appreciate the messages that are sent and I understand why people are thinking of us but please think of Monkey as well. Remember that sweet little boy who needed a lot of love and a lot of help. Who didn't complain all that much about how difficult things were for him. Maybe because he couldn't but mostly because I think he often took content to a whole new level.
Today, my husband worked and I took the boys to Warwick Castle. My grown up nieces joined us. They asked if I was sure I didn't want to be on my own. What? With 2 terrors who could have a grumpy, challenging day? No, I love these boys so much but today it was good to have company. 'I don't need to be on my own' I told them. 'I simply reserve the right to choose who I spend it with and you two, along with Pickle & Wotsit, are at the top of my list'.
It has been a good day. Bizarrely, Wotsit today has kept saying Alex's name and 'Where's Alex gone?'. He's getting to the age when those questions will come but I think it is merely coincidence today. They do not know what day it is.
We've seen jousting and eagles, climbed towers and dressed as knights. Wotsit was stung by a wasp and was remarkably brave. There was one meltdown (Pickle) but all over reasonably quickly.
My heart beat faster as we drove past the church on the way home (the beauty of living in Church Road is that we pass by every day) and it will pause again at 9.20pm tonight.
2 years ago
Thinking of you x