When asked he says that nothing hurts so don't think it's
too painful. However, once he's had some painkillers, he seems a bit happier so
guess he must be a bit sore.
Following yesterdays bone marrow sample, Wotsit's
diagnosis was confirmed today as ALL which is good news. It's the most common
and most treatable form of leukaemia. His age and his white blood cell count
(whilst high, it's not in the really high category) also go in his favour
meaning the survival rate for this type of leukaemia is in excess of 90%.
His treatment starts tomorrow. This is the induction
phase and lasts for 4 weeks. It
comprises one steroid med, taken orally for 28 days, and two chemo drugs (one
given intravenously five times during this period and one injected twice). He'll probably end up on other meds to help
combat the side effects - anti nausea drugs etc.
On day 8 of his treatment (next Thursday) another bone
marrow test will be done. If this is okay, we may be allowed home on Friday or
Saturday. We are already very excited about this!
We're still awaiting the results of the lumbar puncture
which ascertains whether the leukaemia has gone into the central nervous system
but there are no early indications that would lead the docs to think this is
the case.
Other things we learned today -
It's probably a couple of months before he's back to
school. It's mainly down to how he feels post chemo. He may be able to do more
a bit sooner, we'll see.
There are 5 treatment phases in all. The first four seem
to last about 7mths, if everything goes swimmingly. Then the final maintenance
phase continues for c3 years.
Infection control is crucial.
Oh, and Wotsit's scared of the hospital clowns...
Think that's about it. Hope that's not too much detail.
Pickle is good, v happy to visit his brother today. We are also doing
okay, just tired (combination of snoring parent opposite, creaky nhs bed and
Wotsit weeing every 2 hours because of the amount of fluid he's being given to
flush his kidneys).
Finally, just wanted to say a big thank you for all your
good wishes. If good wishes could fix our boy, we'd be home by now.
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